Strategic Services is an important part of the consolidated planning program for all jurisdictions. Planning and Development also relies heavily on Strategic Services for real time planning services, research and graphic design. Planning staff, other government agencies, and a wide range of public and private interests rely on Strategic Services for important information on Sanford, Broadway and Lee County. Strategic Services is the repository for a wealth of demographic, statistical, and other population-related databases. Many of its products can be found on the Strategic Services page of Lee County's website including tax map and parcel information, aerial photography, topographic maps, flood plain maps, Brownfield assessment data, and other important geographic information system (GIS) information.
Strategic Services provides for the mapping and data based management needs for Sanford, Broadway, and Lee County. It is one example of the consolidated services offered by the City of Sanford and Lee County Government. Strategic Services is a very unique and important part of the Planning and Community Development Department.